

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"Flowerhead album is an intense & emotional, raw soul baring heart fuck with a mellow background!"

"Flowerhead" will be Jonsona's third full studio album which will be out either late November or early December.

"I always try to make each album a little different. 'Exemplify' was my first album which was full of stress and an introduction of sorts. It was rough around the edges, a bit crass but a great debut I think.
'Jonny Malignity' was a whole different mindset. A bit goofy, sad in the middle but mostly a positive vibe, celebration of life and a secret longing for approval with generally upbeat, rhythmic music.
'Flowerhead' however, is much more personal and revealing. And I wanted a mellow mix of flow-y sounds... R&B with a hint of hip hop and house - kind of a 1990's feel too, at least that is what I was aiming for. 
And compared to the first two albums, Flowerhead is actually pretty dark. I felt dark and had a fall (autumn) time heavy heart when I wrote it so... that was bound to show through. I am sooooo excited for this album though. Totally different from the others (I love the others too) but this will be the absolute best work I've ever created... legally available to me but supposed copyrighted loops or not!"

A brief description of each track from the new album, by Jonsona.

"Eremitic" is basically an ode to being okay with being alone. Accepting one's self and not needing others to validate one's worth.

"Agitation" is pretty simple. Deals with the daily agitating aspects of life that can make you crazy if you let it!

"Lover" is a quirky song about seeing random people out and about that you are attracted to but know you can never "have" and well, kind of a "whore" song. ;)

"Synthetic" is suppose to be a coy, sort of "tongue in cheek" ditty about not needing a human being to bring one's self, pleasure.
If you really listen though, it's pretty easy to figure out what this song is referring to.
Many will be really offended and grossed out by this song and... that's okay. Jonny always has to have at least one very nasty tune. ;)

"Flowerhead" (the title track) is just about escapism. It also ties in with the general theme of the whole album. I am also a painter and over the years I have created many, what I called, flowerhead paintings... inspired by my all time favorite artist, Dali! 
Pretty simple. I am looking forward to making the video for this track. It'll be my first, "living" flowerhead! :)

"Mabel" is a ballad about my last remaining grandmother who passed away earlier this year. Last time I saw her was in 2006 and now she is gone so this song refers to some of the guilt I feel over that and the memories of the past with her, when I was a kid.

"Every Great Man" was a song I wrote and composed for my last remaining grandfather who also passed away earlier this year. It was released on Reverbnation in February but I took it down this spring because the vocal sound quality was so bad. I had to re record the vocals and re release this song though.
Almost all of the original music will be used but the guitar solo section will also have to be re recorded.

"Beggar" is about all of the people who have wronged me in my life, about actions speaking louder than words, how it's like people are like beggars when it comes down to what they can get from me and how I have felt essentially used by almost everybody in some form or another. Told you this album was personal. I held nothing back this time.
"I'm not your bitch - I'm not your errand boy"

"Wait To Die" is a dramatic song about how when life sucks sometimes, you get that giddy tingle in your stomach when you realize that one day, you will be dead, out of the body, somewhere better (like heaven) and all of the earthly burdens can no longer effect you.
This song sounds kind of suicidal but it's not. All of these songs are artistic expressions and are often more dramatic than the actual events they are inspired from, not to be taken 100% literally. ;)

"Nightwalker" is another "whorish" song but also just about being a loner and remembering the days of youth, pre- disease, pre- wrinkles... etc.

"Full Moon" - Jonny gotta have at least ONE semi-political song, right? ;) - This song deals with the insanity of the world today but that really, this planet in regards to human beings has probably always been insain - kind of like how people seem during a... full moon.

"Trance" - the final track on the album - it is full circle, the very last music is the same as the start of the album. Did Jonsona put you in a trance?

"So um, ya - this summer I felt great and inspired and that came through on my 'Jonny Malignity' album but this fall, I have felt dark, melancholy and introspective, that with how I also wanted a smoother and mellow album, music wise, "Flowerhead" is an interesting ride and I always say this but, this truly is the work I am most proud of... ever! And it's not even finished yet. Also, I'd like to mention... I didn't know who I was going to dedicate this album to. I started being crushed by my own self doubt again but this amazing note my friend Sarah gave to me this summer, telling me how strong I am and that I am an inspiration to her, has gotten me through it. Every time I start doubting my talent, my God given gifts as an artist and a singer and my very soul, I read that note and if it wasn't for that, this album probably wouldn't be getting recorded. So, Sarah Hamilton Potter, your beautiful daughter made me finish my last album and you made me finish this upcoming album. Thanks boo! I love you!"

Flowerhead the full album will be release late Nov/early Dec - also on Soundcloud like the other two albums. 

Flowerhead single instrumental version is now released on Reverbnation

Eremitic instrumental will be released soon.
Eremitic lyrical version and video will be the first official single from the album this winter.
Updates will be on www.ijonsona.com and jonsonacenter.blogspot.com

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